On Saturday, 1 June 2024 16:01:26 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Hello list,
> It seems to be time again to see if I can set up a local web server*. I want
> to build a site for myself, and one way is to work it up on my own machine,
> then transfer it to a hosting service when it's "ready".
> The first problem I face is in choosing a server: Apache is huge and
> complex, and NGINX is foreign to me, so what should I do?
> The Gentoo Apache wiki is unhelpful. It assumes that the reader is
> experienced in running web servers, and just points out the way things are
> done differently here. Then it occupies several pages with the entire
> configuration file calling chain, every line of every file being shown;
> what is the point of that? It only succeeds in sowing confusion. Well, it
> does in me, anyway; I'm no wiser at the end than the beginning.
> It even trips up right at the start, showing what to set for each MPM, but
> without explaining why I should choose any particular one. The wiki seems to
> have been written by a programmer, not a user (this is a woefully common
> shortcoming in software documents).
> In short, it's useless.
> Is there a more accessible guide anywhere? Google hasn't found anything for
> me.
> *  I've asked this here before, but never got anywhere with it. I did build
> a 130-page site for the local choir years ago, in pure HTML and CSS, but
> that experience has evaporated.

I don't know if there are any more helpful guides for Apache, but Apache is a 
bit of a beast.  If you need to dive into the nuances of its configuration, 
then sooner or later you'll end up spending time reading the Apache 


For MPM in particular take a look here:


I suggest you do not specify an MPM.  Apache will choose its own module 
depending on the capability of your hardware, or for a home project with low 
number of requests just set it as 'prefork'.

However, unless setting up and managing a webserver is a sysadmin hobby you 
wish to get entangled in, I suggest you find a reliable hosting company and 
undertake both web hosting and development online.  Hosting a local website 
for development and testing was a necessity back in the dial-up Internet days 
and when data download was metered by your ISP, but domestic web hosting today 
will cause more of a hindrance than help.

You can use the CMS preferred and offered by your web hosting provider, 
instead of hacking HTML & CSS by hand, while trying to keep up with continuous 
changes in standards.  I have found Wordpress is easier to set up and look 
after for simple websites, as long as you keep the plugins to a minimum and 
stick to default themes.


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