Michael wrote:
> On Saturday, 15 June 2024 19:09:18 BST Dale wrote:
>> Michael wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 15 June 2024 18:24:27 BST Dale wrote:
>>>> Howdy,
>>>> I got down to the time zone part.  When I try to run emerge --config
>>>> sys-libs/timezone-data I get this output.
>>>> (chroot) livecd / # emerge --config sys-libs/timezone-data
>>>> Configuring pkg...
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python-exec/python3.12/emerge", line 57, in main
>>>>     retval = emerge_main()
>>>>              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/_emerge/main.py", line 1308,
>>>> in emerge_main
>>>>     return run_action(emerge_config)
>>>>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/_emerge/actions.py", line
>>>> 3876, in run_action
>>>>     return action_config(
>>>>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/_emerge/actions.py", line 758,
>>>> in action_config
>>>>     retval = portage.doebuild(
>>>>              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>   File
>>>> "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/portage/package/ebuild/doebuild.py",
>>>> line 1218, in doebuild
>>>>     rval = _prepare_env_file(mysettings)
>>>>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>   File
>>>> "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/portage/package/ebuild/doebuild.py",
>>>> line 1686, in _prepare_env_file
>>>>     env_extractor.start()
>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/_emerge/AsynchronousTask.py",
>>>> line 34, in start
>>>>     self._start()
>>>>   File
>>>> "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/_emerge/BinpkgEnvExtractor.py", line
>>>> 43, in _start
>>>>     env=self.settings.environ(),
>>>>         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>   File
>>>> "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/portage/package/ebuild/config.py",
>>>> line 3378, in environ
>>>>     raise AssertionError(
>>>> AssertionError: LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8 for posixish locale. It seems that
>>>> split_LC_ALL was not called for phase config?
>>>> (chroot) livecd / #
>>>> The next section is locale so I skipped ahead to set the locale settings
>>>> but nothing I do gets me past this error.  Did I miss a step somewhere?
>>>> I'm currently booted from the Gentoo LiveGUI USB Image and am in the
>>>> chroot.  I been following the handbook with the parts that apply to me
>>>> but maybe I missed something???  This is the current setting.
>>>> (chroot) livecd / # eselect locale list
>>>> Available targets for the LANG variable:
>>>>   [1]   C
>>>>   [2]   C.utf8
>>>>   [3]   en_US
>>>>   [4]   en_US.iso88591
>>>>   [5]   en_US.utf8
>>>>   [6]   POSIX
>>>>   [7]   en_US.UTF8 *
>>>>   [ ]   (free form)
>>>> (chroot) livecd / #
>>>> I also tried setting it to #5.  Same error but works on current rig.
>>>> Anyone know what I missed?  I even tried copying settings from my
>>>> current rig but same error.  I've also ran the following after each
>>>> setting I tried.
>>>> env-update && source /etc/profile && export PS1="(chroot) ${PS1}"
>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>> Dale
>>>> :-)  :-)
>>> Please share:
>>> $ cat /etc/locale.gen
>>> $ locale -a
>>> $ locale
>> I'm going to remove most of the commented out stuff.  Also separating it
>> a bit.  Make it easier to read. 
>> livecd / # cat /etc/locale.gen
>> en_US ISO-8859-1
>> en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
>> (chroot) livecd / #
>> livecd / # locale -a
>> C
>> C.utf8
>> en_US
>> en_US.iso88591
>> en_US.utf8
>> (chroot) livecd / #
>> livecd / # locale
>> LANG=en_US.utf8
>> LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF8"
>> LC_TIME="en_US.UTF8"
>> LC_PAPER="en_US.UTF8"
>> LC_NAME="en_US.UTF8"
>> LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8
> Hmm ... how did the last entry end up in there?
> Can you please check your /etc/env.d/02locale and your ~/.bashrc.

(chroot) livecd / # cat /etc/env.d/02locale
# Configuration file for eselect
# This file has been automatically generated.
(chroot) livecd / #

I commented out the LC_ALL thinking it might make the error go away. 
The docs mention not setting it at all. 

There's no /root/.bashrc, yet anyway. 

>> (chroot) livecd / #
>> I tried to copy the settings from my current rig and the docs seem to
>> agree with that still.  I think I either missed something or set
>> something wrong.  I just can't figure out which as it matches my current
>> rig.  :/
>> Where did I go wrong?
> Re-use, it saves time, but check first what it is you are re-using.  You 
> could 
> end up falling behind, because the world of code moves on and you may also 
> end 
> up copying over previous latent mistakes.

This is true.  While I copy from current rig because it makes it easier,
and reduces the likely hood of a typo, I also check the docs to make
sure the settings are the same.  The LC and  LANG settings don't seem to
have changed any. 

I think I either missed something or set something wrong somewhere.  I
just can't figure out what it is.  I was hoping another pair of eyes
would help.  If not, I may just start over.  I'm still really confused
over the efi thing and how partitions are to be set up.  While I've read
about efi, I've never understood how it works.  If I could, I'd still
use the old BIOS method.  It worked just fine for me.  :/


:-)  :-) 

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