jdm wrote:
> Hello,
> I've installed KDE Plasma 6 (plasma-meta) and all packages have built
> with no problem but whenever I start in wayland session it crashes out
> after a couple of seconds of logging in. X sessions works with no
> problems.
> So wondering if this is problem with just my PC or a more general issue
> and if wayland is ready yet for prime time.
> Thanks 

I recently updated on my newer rig.  It started acting weird as well.  I
thought it was me making changes in the kernel until I went back to a
kernel that I knew worked.  What mine does is this.  The monitor seems
to cut off and goes into the energy saving mode thing.  I tried
restarting display-manager over ssh from my main rig and even that did
nothing.  Then I tried something I didn't expect to work. I cut the
monitor off and back on.  It came on but was at a console.  I had
stopped display-manager so not to surprised really.  I was trying all
sorts of options including trying to switch to a console.  That could
have been how I ended up at a console.

When it does that, power off your monitor and then power it back on. 
See what it does.  Even it is truly crashing, I doubt it will hurt
anything.  Heck, it might actually come back on.  Might give some guru
on this list a clue as to the cause or some reported bug.

At the moment, I'm trying to downgrade. 


:-)  :-) 

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