On Thursday, 20 June 2024 08:01:54 BST jdm wrote:

> I decided to uninstall, then do a sync and then install again but now
> getting lots of soft blocks. Think I'll wait until it's not in testing.

I had just started building a new KDE system on my Ryzen M9 box, starting with 
no USE flags set, and only setting a flag when portage demanded it. I hadn't 
noticed that Qt6 was now out until I started installing plasma apps, when it 
became clear that some wholesale flag-setting was required.

A few USE flags survived from the previous system, but I only needed these set 
for Qt6:

kde-plasma/kwin         lock
dev-qt/*                wayland
kde-frameworks/*        wayland
kde-plasma/libplasma    wayland
media-libs/mesa         wayland
x11-base/xwayland       libei

There are other problems with multitasking, but I'll report those separately.


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