Hello list,

While building a new KDE system (see my post a few minutes ago), I'm finding 
the system stalling because it can't handle all its install jobs. I have this 

$ grep '\-j' /etc/portage/make.conf
EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--jobs --load-average=30 [...]"
MAKEOPTS="-j16 -l16"

The CPU has 24 threads and 64GB RAM, and lots of swap space, and those values 
have worked well for some time. Now, though, I'm going to have to limit the 
--jobs or the --load-average.

On interrupting one such hang, I found that 32 install jobs had been waiting 
to run; is this limit hard coded? I also saw "too many jobs" or something, and 
"could not read job counter".

Is it now bug-report time?


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