Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> On my new rig, I'm trying to set up the PS1 and alias variables.  I
> found the bash page on the Gentoo wiki but it seems to detail doing it
> for each user in their home directories.  Since I'm the only one using
> this rig, I prefer to set it globally and have the commands behave the
> same way no matter who I am, root or dale.  On my main rig still, I do
> this in /etc/bash/bashrc.  It works just fine.  On the new rig tho, it
> has a directory and things are broken up into different files for
> different things.  Basically, the method has changed.  It likely works
> better this way.  Each package can have its own file.  The wiki isn't
> helping since these files appear to be like scripts.  I'm clueless on
> scripts.  My one attempt to do it broke the whole thing.  I had to
> emerge bash again with the config option to get the files back right. 
> Is there a example file that gives a clueless scripts person a head
> start?  I'd like to have it set the PS1 for root and user and have a
> alias section for several commands that applies to root and users.  If
> there is a command to manage this sort of thing, I'm open to that too. 
> I just want to set the PS1 and alias without breaking bash, or anything
> else. 
> Also, I think the CPU thermal paste stuff has settled in a bit on the
> new rig.  The temps have came down a little bit.  Also, I found out that
> CPUTIN is a sensor that is likely placed similar to my older FX series
> CPU is.  The new rig does run cooler if that is true.  It should.  CPU
> cooler is plenty large enough. 
> Thanks for any help on the PS1 and bash settings.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)
> P. S.  Still trying to get around to pics and stuff.  Fixed well pump,
> broke again.  Fixed it again.  Working so far.  My back, not so much.  :/ 

In case some other poor soul googles and finds this, I figured it out. 
For my alias file, it simply looks like this:

Gentoo-1 ~ # cat /etc/bash/bashrc.d/16-alias.bash
        alias ls='ls --color=auto -al'
        alias grep='grep --colour=auto -i'
        alias yt='yt-dlp'
        alias egrep='egrep --colour=auto'
        alias fgrep='fgrep --colour=auto'
        alias dfc='dfc -d'
Gentoo-1 ~ #

After running source /etc/profile, the aliases looks like this: 

Gentoo-1 ~ # alias
alias dfc='dfc -d'
alias diff='diff --color=auto'
alias dir='dir --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --colour=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --colour=auto'
alias grep='grep --colour=auto -i'
alias ls='ls --color=auto -al'
alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
alias yt='yt-dlp'
Gentoo-1 ~ #

Hope this helps someone else.  As I mentioned above, this kinda works
better.  :-D 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Booted into new install.  I'm in the process of emerging all the
packages in the world file.  It's a healthy list.  Gonna take a while. 
I also found out that htop can now show temp sensors.  I wish I could
figure out how to tell htop to move where it puts the temp info tho.  I
don't like where it is.  It's in with the CPU bar meters.  It also shows
CPU frequency as a option.

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