On Tuesday, 2 July 2024 19:58:59 BST Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> New monitor came in.  Found it on my porch.  Unboxed it and hooked it
> up.  Started with no xorg.conf file.  It's high res, plasma comes up so
> all that is fine.  Now comes the problem.  Everything is HUGE.  Even on
> SDDM screen, it's like it is zoomed in or something.  Icons are huge,
> fonts are huge.  I think what it is doing is this, and it may be the
> video card.  I think it is thinking I have four monitors set up as one
> large screen.  With this one monitor, I'm seeing the top left monitor
> but not seeing the rest since I only have one monitor connected.  I
> might add, when I click to logout, that screen is huge too. 
> I generated a xorg.conf with the nvidia tool.  No change.  I tried
> removing options that I thought might cause this largeness problem.  I
> even rebooted.  No change.  I open the Nvidia GUI software and tried
> adjusting things there.  No change.  I compared the setting to my main
> rig, other than the difference in the cards, all settings appear to be
> the same including what should be displayed where.  The resolution is
> correct too.   
> Is it possible this card functions differently than my usual cards? 
> Someone mentioned these tend to be used in a business system which could
> mean they use four monitors for one large display, for presentations or
> something.  Is there something I need to disable or enable so the card
> knows I want independent monitors maybe?
> I'm attaching the xorg.conf file, including options I commented out.  I
> also checked the logs, no errors or anything.  It's just the usual
> things like mouse and keyboard loading and it finding the monitor
> connected, unlike the old LG.  Maybe someone here as ran into this at
> work or for a client and has a idea on how to fix or that this card is
> not designed for my use. 
> While I'm waiting on a reply, I'm going to try one of my older spare
> video cards.  If it works fine, it could be the new video card is set up
> to work this way.  May not can even change it. 
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

If it is this *this* monitor:


you should be able to set:

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier     "Monitor0"
    VendorName     "Unknown"
    ModelName      "Samsung LS32B30"
    HorizSync       30.0 - 84.0
    VertRefresh     50.0 - 75.0
    Option         "PreferredMode" "1920x1080_75.00"
    Option         "DPMS"

for better responsiveness with less flicker when watching sports.

Did you comment out all the #lines in the "Screen" section, rather than 
letting nvidia set configure it as it needs to?

Set the screen to the desired resolution to match the monitor, e.g.:

Option         "metamodes" "1920x1080 +0+0"

and it should scale correctly.

Also check if "Samsung Magic Upscale" has been enabled and this affects what 
screen size is eventually displayed on the monitor:


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