Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 12:44 PM Dale <
> <>> wrote:
> <SNIP>
> > I tried it with those options and without.  Neither changed anything.  I
> > originally tried it with no xorg.conf at all.  I was hoping maybe the
> > Nvidia GUI thing would adjust things.  I may try that again.  No
> > xorg.conf and use the GUI thing.  That's what I use to set up my TV and
> > such anyway.  Thing is, the sddm screen is HUGE too.
> <SNIP>
> > :-)  :-)
> ???
> xdpyinfo | grep -B2 resolution
> ???

I booted my new rig up again.  Dang that thing.  It was HUGE again.  I
started reading stuff, mainly about xorg.conf and the available
settings.  I changed all sorts of stuff, including some things Micheal
suggested.  I restarted DM each time.  I was about ready to toss it in
the old minnow pond, that's where everything goes to die here.  Lots of
CRT monitors in there.  LOL  Anyway, I had to install that package to
run that command.  It spit out a oops when I tried to run it after a
copy and paste.  I also installed it on my main rig, just to compare. 
On the new rig, the DPI was a fairly large number.  I thought I had the
output saved but it seems to be gone.  My main rig tho showed 80x80 dots
per inch.  I did a duck search, finally found how to set that.  I then
restarted DM and YEPPIE!!!  It was a normal size again. 

Now the monitor on my main rig is a bit older too.  Maybe 6 or 7
years???  Should newer monitors be set to a higher number for DPI?  Is
that normal?  Why was it using such a high number by default?  I want to
say one was like 200 or something.  It was quite large.  The reason I'm
asking, I may need to set something else to make the screen the right
size but let it use that larger dpi number, if that is what the newer
monitor prefers to use. 

Now to reboot, see if I have thoughts of that minnow pond again.  :/ 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Funny story.  I picked basil again today.  I wash it in cold
water with salt mixed in.  The salt acts like a detergent but without a
nasty taste and easy to rinse off.  Anyway, ran out of salt.  I have
large ammo cans that I store stuff in that I want to keep dry, with some
silica packs to help keep it dry.  Anyway, I started looking for the can
with salt wrote on a post it note stuck to it.  I looked everywhere I
could think of.  Finally, I came to my room and took a break.  Then I
noticed what the new rig was sitting on.  The ammo can with salt wrote
on a post it note stuck to it.  That case was pretty heavy empty but it
is really heavy now with the extra stuff in it.  Anyway, after unhooking
everything, moving the monitor out of the way and all, I got some more
salt.  Given the problems I'm having, I took out two things of salt, in
case it takes a while to beat the new rig into submission. 

Oh, I got a LOT of basil now.  Should last me several years.  I've had
to move to larger jars twice now.  I had almost another ice cream bucket
full which was 5 trays worth in my dehydrator.  O_O 

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