Mick wrote:


Michael Kintzios wrote:

From:: Oliver Friedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Home Network Printing
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 11:58:27 +0100
Michael Kintzios wrote:

I created a new printer on hostname1 and also named it Compaq-HP. I
set the ipp address to ipp://hostname2.STUDY/ipp but I kept
getting errors telling me it can't resolve the address.
AFAIR the IPP-Adress has to be: "ipp://[Host]/[PrinterName]"
in your case this would mean: "ipp://hostname2.STUDY/Compaq-HP"
I'm afraid I had no success.  I tried using the address as you suggested
above but it says unknown host . . . perhaps I should add it in my
hostname file, but my netgear router which acts as the nameserver should
know where to go?

In any case, when I changed it to the IP address of hostname2 box
( I got this: ====================================
I [25/Nov/2005:20:23:13 +0000] [Job 56] Connecting to on port
631... I [25/Nov/2005:20:23:13 +0000] [Job 56] Connected to
D [25/Nov/2005:20:23:13 +0000] [Job 56] Getting supported attributes...
E [25/Nov/2005:20:23:13 +0000] [Job 56] Destination printer does not
exist! E [25/Nov/2005:20:23:14 +0000] PID 13299 stopped with status 1!

Anything else I should try?

Just a shot in the dark. Are you using cups? If so, you may have to edit the cupsd.conf on the printer host to allow connections to cupsd from other hosts. There is a whole section in cupsd.conf that deals with access. Very similar to the apache config file.


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