On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 07:17, Holly Bostick wrote:
> > Dale schreef:
> > I want to make a copy of my Gentoo install CD.  I open K3b, with the
> > Gentoo install CD in the drive, and go to tools and select "copy CD".
> >  The box pops up but "start" is grayed out so I can not copy the CD.
> >
> > I only have one CD drive but it usually copies it to the tmp file
> > then opens up for a blank CD then creates a copy.
> >
> > What's up with this?  It used to work in the last version.  Am I
> > doing something wrong here?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Dale :-)
> Ideas (since I don't happen to copy CDs using K3b, or anything else, for
> that matter)
> 1.  Do you have K3b set to make an image first (as opposed to direct
> copying, since you only have one drive)?
> 2. Do you have enough room in the temp directory you've set for the tmp
> file to fit in? That seems the most likely reason it would be grayed out
> (lack of space since you only have the one drive and a tmp file must be
> created to make the copy).
> What version of K3b?

I've the same problem as Dale: from my last upgrade of K3B 0.12.4a on KDE 
3.4.1.  Checked out your 1. & 2. above, Holly - also all permissions as 
suggested on every google ref. I could find! Still no joy.

Until I find a solution for disk copying I use the following from the command 

cdda2wav dev=/dev/cdrom -vall cddb=0 -B -Owav
cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom -dao -useinfo -text *.wav


mkiosfs -R -o cdimage.raw /mnt/cdrom
cdrecord -v speed=40 dev=/dev/hdc cdimage.raw



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