> > I notice, also that Ctrl-A, X, V have no effect
> but I can move
> > between pages using Alt and the arrow keys. Is
> there some way to
> > activate those dead keys without having to install
> all the usual X
> > stuff.
> As for the "dead keys":
> links --help
> links [options] URL
> Options are:
> <a whole lotta stuff snipped>
> I don't know what you expect ^A  to do, but ^X and

ctrl+a = select all. I'm astonished you didn't know

> ^V are already
> assigned to relatively "standard" functions (at
> least I associate ^V
> with paste; I don't cut much, so ^X means little to
> me, but yeah, "cut"
> sounds about right).
> Check the list above for the function that you
> expect ^A to perform, and
> then learn link's key combo for it.
> HTH,

Thanks, big help

> Holly
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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