On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 21:41:26 -0600
Samir Faci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nick Rout wrote:
> >I see a lot of people seem to have upgraded to kde 3.5.
> >
> >I am currently running kde 3.4.1 (installed via kde-meta) and stable is
> >3.4.3. However reports seem to be that 3.5.0 seems good enuf to work
> >with and I can't be bothered compiling 3.4.3 and then 3.5 later.
> >
> >Soooo, is there an easy way forward? I suspect I could enter a large
> >number of packages as ~x86 in /etc/portage/package.keywords, or I could
> >ask here if there is an easier way.
> >
> >Answers on the back of an envelope etc etc :-)
> >
> >Oh and apologies if this is covered somewhere really basic and I missed
> >it, I did look, honest (and the wiki seems to be down for me today).
> >
> >NRR
> >  
> >
> assuming you've done an emerge --sync with the past.. (what is month or 
> so since kde 3.5 was unmasked? ) 

it doesn't look unmasked to me


> just run emerge -u kde  (u for upgrade or heck even committing the -u, 
> it still should work fine.)
> Samir
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
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