darren kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Apropos, does anyone know of any good documentation about the Gentoo
> boot process and initscripts? Looking through all of these, it is
> difficult to follow what is going on, and the initscript guide I
> linked to before is a bit terse.

My sentiments too.  I wasn't even able to see where all that guff got
loaded or sourced looking thru net.lo.  I'm not a programmer by no
means but have written dozens even hundreds, I suppose, of shell scripts
and perl scripts though I've had no training on either.

However I get lost write away trying to follow how it all happens.

Here is an example from /etc/init.d/gpm below.  It is not apparent
where any of those variables get filled with a value.  I see nothing
being sourced either.  Further, what scripting language uses:
I've never seen it in sh ksh bash. The three most common scripting
languages (I think). What is it?

  checkconfig() {
   if [ -z "$MOUSEDEV" ] || [ -z "$MOUSE" ] ; then
      eerror "You need to setup MOUSEDEV and MOUSE in /etc/conf.d/gpm first"
      return 1

  start() {
   checkconfig || return 1

   local params=""
   [ -n "$RESPONSIVENESS" ] && params="$params -r $RESPONSIVENESS"
   [ -n "$REPEAT_TYPE" ]    && params="$params -R$REPEAT_TYPE"
   [ -n "$APPEND" ]         && params="$params $APPEND "

   ebegin "Starting gpm"
   start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/gpm \
      -- -m ${MOUSEDEV} -t ${MOUSE} ${params}
   eend ${?}

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