I run Xfce and want to be able to shut down my system from
within X. At the moment I have to log in as root and then issue a
shutdown command, but Xfce is supposed to support doing this through
the GUI.

Looking around turned up the Xfce documentation and specifically
which says I need sudo and the right to execute xfsm-shutdown-helper
as root. OK, so I emerged app-admin/sudo and added the following line
at the end of /etc/sudoers using visudo:

%wheel  vuk=/usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper   NOPASSWD

(Those are tabs.) My system is named vuk, I am a member of the wheel
group, and /etc/hosts says:

        vuk ~ # grep vuk /etc/hosts       vuk.kjorling.com vuk localhost
        ::1 ip6-localhost vuk ip6-loopback
        vuk ~ # 

Still, trying "sudo /usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper" from the
command line gives me:

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ sudo /usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper
        Password: (trying the root password)
        Sorry, try again.
        Password: (^C)
        sudo: 1 incorrect password attempt
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ sudo /usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper
        Password: (trying my own password)
        Sorry, user michael is not allowed to execute 
'/usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper' as root on vuk.
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ 

...and the options to shut down or reboot are still grayed out in the
Xfce quit dialog box.

I checked /etc/group and did not find any obvious group I should add
myself to (say, `sudoers' or something like that). I use PAM and
/etc/pam.d/sudo (autogenerated) uses system-auth for auth, account,
password and session.

Am I missing something here?

Michael Kjörling, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://michael.kjorling.com/
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