On Friday 06 January 2006 19:33, Peter wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Jan 2006 14:34:07 +0100, Sergio Polini wrote:
> > (i.e., my gateway address, which is different ;-) to /etc/resolv.conf? My
> > resolv.conf after a dhcp connession is:
> >
> > domain fastwebnet.it
> > nameserver
> > nameserver
> >
> > (Fastweb is my provider).
> >
> > What should my resolv.conf look like? Thanks.
> > Sergio
> So, you do NOT have a router? Then keep dhcp. If your ISP has assigned you
> a static IP, then you should ask them for specifics. Most do not assign
> static IP though. Sorry I could not help more. I use a router and each PC
> is assigned a specific IP within the local net. However, the ROUTER gets
> the Dynamic IP from our ISP.
> Sorry I could not help more. dhcp is really great!

for static generaly there is needed only 2 sections in /etc/conf.d/net
config_eth0 with static ip, netmask and brodcast
routes_eth0 with gateway ip

no need for dhcp, see net.example

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