On Sunday 08 January 2006 13:03, darren kirby wrote:
> Hello all,
> I recently upgraded the kernel on my laptop to 2.6.14-r5, as well as Xorg,
> and many other packages. Since this change I cannot run an xterm anymore. I
> seem to recall this happening to me years ago, but I do not remember the
> cause.
> When I start X, all is well, and everything runs as it should, except for
> term programs. Eterm hangs there, but instead of a prompt, I get "press
> <esc> to exit". konsole and {a,x}term don't even show up, although I
> suspect they are just starting then stopping immediately.
> I do have psuedo terminals in my kernel, and in fact the config is exactly
> as it was with the old kernel.
> Any ideas how to troubleshoot this? If you want to see my config file or
> something else just ask.
> Thanks,
> -d
hmm... try switching to another virtual console (e.g. <ctrl>+<alt>+<F1>), 
logging in as your user and running 

DISPLAY=:0 konsole

(or replace 'konsole' with whatever term program)

and see if you get any messages
# electronerd, the electronerdian from electronerdia

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