On 1/10/06, Tom Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been using Win4Lin TS 3.0 for some time to server Win98SE to five
> remote users for legacy application support.
> I'm currently testing the recently released Win4Lin Pro TS server
> running Win2k as an intended replacement for the old TS server. This is
> where I came across QEMU...
> QEMU appears to have functionality similar to VMWare (I haven't tried it
> yet). I'm curious to here other Gentoo users' experience with this
> software. I will be using in a production environment so stability and
> uptime are very important, as are reasonable performance.

I used it to run the Office Viewers, hate when you receive a .doc with
strange chars and everything borked, WMP is the only thing that runs
some cranky pieces of video files decently, some sites only work
decently with IE and other apps are still to be correct run under
stuff like wine and such. I have an old license for win98 and so it
was my choice, besides any other would run too slowly because I only
have an Athlon XP 1.6, but it runs flawless for a long time. Instant
boot with the savevm and loadvm commands make it even better than the
real thing :)

I never had problems, you can install the OS and use the -snapshot
mode to never really "mess" with the original install, and even commit
changes after you feel its safe.

I must mention that the kqemu kernel module (needed in order to
provide decent speed) has a different license (its proprietary
software), and without it I couldn't stand the wait, so, I use it. I
don't know if it fits your needs and never used it at production
environment, but it is as stable as Win itself (heh), at least for me.

> I would very much appreciate any feedback you all can give me about your
> experience with QEMU.
> Best Wishes,
> Tom
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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