box: Prostar 2.8Gig ProStar Laptop  w/60 Gig, 7200 rpm hard drive, 1 Gig Ram
Current configuration:
XP factory installed on 30gig partition
Suse v9.0 installed on 20gig partition ext2,  1 Gig SWAP

1. Remove Suse.
2. Format 20 gig with Reisersf
Leave Grub
Install Gentoo
Install VMware.

Can I install Gentoo over Suse or should I start over on a clean hard drive.

Option I am considering:
Start with a new hard drive, install Gentoo, VMware and then run XP as a virtual machine.
Please advise.

I have installed Gentoo from Stage1 on a P3 600 Compaq Deskpro EN and Kubuntu on another Compaq Deskpro EN.
But consider myself a Gentoo novice.

This is my first email to the list.
Thanks in advance for any help,

Steve Wilson

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