On Wednesday 11 January 2006 23:44, Willie Wong wrote:
> [01:09 PM]wwong ~ $ mplayer X-Mod_radio_x-level.mpc
> MPlayer 1.0pre7try2-3.4.4 (C) 2000-2005 MPlayer Team
Ah...thanks a lot. That struck a cord :)
I did a major mistake. While searching for mplayer and musepack, I had an idea 
that CVS version will work. Portage has a cvs snapshot, so I compiled that. 
It didn't work so I compiled xmms-musepack and recompiled mplayer (cvs 
version). No luck! But your mail made me compile the stable package and this 
version uses the xmms plugin :). mpc files now play in mplayer (yipee).

Thanks once again for the help.

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