NIS comes to mind and some recommended docs are:

On 1/11/06, John Jolet < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wednesday 11 January 2006 13:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is there a term for the situation where you have one computer as the
> "user account master" and every other machine recognizes all user
> accounts that are specified on the master?
> I'm sure there's plenty of packages and documentation on how to do
> this, but I don't know what it's called, so I don't know where to
> start looking.
> Basically, I have one OpenBSD box and three gentoo boxes.  I'd like
> to have the same user accounts on all of them, but not have to
> manually create them each time.  Especially for dealing with Samba
> and NFS, it's nice to have consistent accounts.
> Given the name of a couple key packages and/or web links, I think I
> could figure the rest out.
openldap is one way
kerberos is another (don't pick this one)
nis or YP is another
I prefer openldap, but be warned, all of these methods are fairly non-trivial
depending on your experience level.

maybe there's a way to do it with sama as well?
> Thanks!
> Matt
> --
> Matt Garman
> email at:

John Jolet
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