On 15 January 2006 21:33, Ryan Viljoen wrote:
> > > What I landed up doing is defining a set of my own rules that detected
> > > if penis, viagra, slut and such words occured it added a +10.0 to the
> > > spam assassin rating so if is clearly identified as spam.
> >
> > I'm somewhat cautious about this. I know you get very high hit rates
> > with this, but it doesn't make any allowances for false positives -
> > if I make a list of "banned words" like this, one of them is _sure_
> > to turn up one day.
> Yeah I have this enabled in a school environment and the majority of
> the words I have in the list either way are not suitable for a school
> environment.

I am just curious here. "Penis" isn't a word suitable in a school environment? 
They don't teach biology? How about "breast" or "breast feeding"? They 
shouldn't be mentioned in schools? Just in case you black listed "tit" as 
well, how about "tit for tat"? It isn't just an expression, it's also a 
coined name for a certain strategy in game theory.

Explicitely black listing certain words takes them out of context and can 
backfire badly.


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who | grep -i blonde | date
cd ~; unzip; touch; strip; finger
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