On Monday 16 January 2006 13:30, Willie Wong wrote:

> Since you are doing a fresh install anyway, try the following: (since
> I have no idea what is going on with your box, I am just throwing out
> random suggestions.)
> I re-read your emerge --info, and noticed that you've set the LDFLAGS
> variable to "-Wl -z,now", comment that line out from /etc/make.conf
> before you re-install. There might be some weird condition happening
> that disabling lazy binding is causing start-up problems with mozilla
> (for example, your 30 minute long start-up). Also, I am pretty sure
> that with the -z switch, you don't need the -Wl part--gcc recognizes
> it as always a linker switch, so you only really need to set the
> LDFLAGS to "-z now" and it would be fine.
> The one thing is, it seems at this point that whatever goes wrong
> might be further up the toolchain then just mozilla. Usually if
> everything else works as expected, we should be able to expect
> mozilla-bin to run, even if the compiled version of mozilla doesn't.
> Now, the question is: did you try using mozilla-bin before your
> emerge -e world? If so, did it work? If that's the case, your
> rebuilding might have made matters worse.
> W

I commented that line out on the new install.  I did change that line a good 
while back.  I also removed gnome in the USE line and removed some packages 
that were related to gnome.  I wonder if that had something to do with it.

Since I don't reboot or even log out very much, it could be something I done a 
while back.  My uptime was almost two weeks when this happened.  I shut down 
when storms come through but that is about it.

Since I had a old CD, I'm having to do the gcc upgrade and a lot of other 
things as well before I even really get started emerge KDE and mozilla.  I'm 
glad you mentioned that LDFLAG before I got to far.  I would hate to have two 
installs doing the same thing or even worse if the LDFLAGS is the problem.

Thanks for the help.  I just hope I can send this email.  This is in Kmail by 
the way.

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