On Thursday 19 January 2006 06:38, Dale wrote:
> OK, some of this is getting out of order here.  I changed the flag in my
> USE to -ipv6.  I then recompiled the programs that it changed on.  It
> was Mozilla and a couple others as well that Mozilla uses.  If you get
> this it is working, for the moment any way.  It did work earlier to but
> then stopped when I reconnected.
> I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but it was worth a try.
> I played a game of Solitaire while it was working on it.  LOL
> I'll keep you posted.  Now to find some people that I can send email to
> and not get mad at me.  Any volunteers??
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)
> Oh, somewhere along the way this thing popped up.  When I hit compose or
> reply, a line comes up for "reply to".  It didn't use to do that and I
> usually delete it.  How do I make it go away?  It bugs me.

OK.  I got a couple volunteers.  I sent one of them a email then disconnected.  
After I got reconnected, Mozilla gives me a error.  I'm in Kmail again.

I have one thing I'm going to tell my ISP.  Fix this or I'm getting another 
ISP.  Ever since the hurricane it has been going downhill, fast.  I have five 
numbers for them and can only connect to one of them and it is VERY slow, 
only 24K.  I usually get 28K or so.  My emerge sync took half again as long 
to do last night.

Thanks for the help.  I'm 99% sure this is a ISP problem since it works 
sometimes and then stops after a reconnect.  What you folks think?

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