On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 07:17:43 -0700, Richard Fish wrote
> Linus recommends you use KDE.
> http://lists.osdl.org/pipermail/desktop_architects/2005-December/000390.html
> -Richard
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Yup, and that's because he can't do what _he_ wants to. His complaints have
been acknowledged to some extent. I agree with him in his criticism, but I
still prefer Gnome. I lack the more advanced options, but the rest of Gnome is
still to my liking.

Personally I still believe using the DE which is best for you, is the best
choice you can make. Be it Gnome, XFCE, EDE, KDE or whatever ;)

The best DE would probably be a combination. Based on the IDs of mail
applications used in gentoo-user I think KDE is the most used DE. 55% KDE vs.
35% Gnome seems realistic to me.

Kristian Poul Herkild

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