On Tuesday 31 January 2006 18:09, maxim wexler wrote:
> sarawak heathen #  unix2dos env-lp-test | lpr -l
> unix2dos: converting file env-lp-test to DOS format
> ...
> lpr: error - stdin is empty, so no job has been sent.

If you look at the man page of unix2dos you find these examples:

Get input from stdin and write output to stdout.

Convert and replace a.txt. Convert and replace b.txt.
      unix2dos a.txt b.txt

This means that unix2dos will only print results to stdout if no arguments are 
given and the input will then be taken from stdin. So when you give a file as 
an argument the output of unix2dos will be printed to that file. What you 
have to type to print the results to lpr is hence:

#  cat env-lp-test | unix2dos | lpr -l

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