On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 18:30:35 -0600
Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > the developers are currently in the process of switching to a modular
> > X server. This is a big change which is known to break stuff.
> > You should, however, be fine as long as you do use stable packages.
> >
> > See also the latest Gentoo Newsletter at
> > http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20060130-newsletter.xml which also
> > contains a migration guide.
> Thanks.. that explains things quite a lot... I guess I'm not really
> ready to `migrate'.  Looks like a lot of work.  Its spelled out how to
> do it but complicated enough for me to really botch things up.
> All I really wanted was to run xvidtune.  Seems pretty extreme to go
> thru the whole mess described there for that.  I reasonably certain
> threre is plenty of room in that process to make a mess and end up
> pulling hair for a week.
> Maybe there is another tool that can do what xvidtune does?  Far as I
> know it is the only thing that will show you the actual resolution of
> your display.  `xwininfo' and `xdypinfo' do NOT do that.
> They show the desktop size which in my case is (virtual) 2048x1536.
> The actual res thru my view port is something quite different.
> xvidtune knows about all that and reports whats really going on.

xvidtune is part or xorg-x11.

If you have the older style, stable xorg installed you already have

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/media/torrents $ qpkg -f /usr/bin/xvidtune
x11-base/xorg-x11 *

> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
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