Hash: SHA1

Bob Sanders wrote:

>On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 15:52:01 -0800
>gentuxx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>Hi all,
>>Just wondering if anyone here has any experience with gentoo on a 4/8
>>CPU server.
>I've been running it for years on a 4P PIII Xeon and my take is I won't
run more
>than 2 Intel processors on their Front Side Bus - The bus saturates very
>The cpus stall out waiting for memory.

I was more curious how the "virtual" CPUs would affect things.  And if
there was a limit on the number of processes supported by gentoo.  I
knew that the linux kernel (generically) supports well over 8 CPUs,
but I just was trying to nail down any distro-specific issues.

>If you are going to run more than 2 cpus, go for an Opteron solution. It
>much better and the dual-core limits the FSB to 2 cpus per connect.
>Also, if you look around at places like - 2cpu.com, you'll see at 4
cpus, the Opteron's
>massive memory bandwidth leaves the Xeon way behind on most benchmarks.
>outside of very, very specific tasks, Intel's HT actually slows down
performance. Again
>check the web sites for specific benchmarks. If your application doesn't
fall into the
>use area where HT actually helps, it's best to turn it off.

I'm getting this box from a vendor, and I thought they had limited
options.  We've always gone Intel before, and I'm relatively new to
this organization.  I'm going to poke around for some benchmarks.  I
would be interested in seeing them, both from the perspective of my
home P4/HT box, as well as this one.

>As to Linux scaling, I've run Linux, not Gentoo, on a few different 8P,
16P, 20P, 32P, and
>64P systems, and on one 512P system. The 512P was kind of fun - kicking
off and stopping
>512 setiathome instances, all at the same time.

- --
echo "hfouvyAdpy/ofu" | perl -pe 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-1)/ge'

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6996 0993
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