On Sun, 2006-02-12 at 18:21 +0100, Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
> Hello,
> i solved my problems concering the nvidia-driver and the splash-theme delay.
> Nvidia-driver works after upgrading to 1.0.8178-r3 and the splash-theme
> starts immediately after the boot message as i updated my kernel to
> 2.6.15.gentoo-r4.
> But one problem still remains, the display is displaced to the left in
> all my console windows on boot up, after i logged into my gnome-session
> the display fits perfect. When i use the button for automatically
> configuring the monitor on boot up, the console windows are looking
> fine, but when i log into gnome the display is displaced in the other
> direction.
> What can i do to fix this problem.

There may be another way, but this is how I know to fix it:

First, you should use the "auto" button to fix your consoles.  That's
the easiest.

Then, log into X (with your display now shifted off screen), and run the
command xvidtune.

Read the warning (I've never had a problem).

Then use the "left" and "right" buttons to align the picture exactly
(take note of every pixel!).

Once you're happy, press "show" a few times, then quit.

Now it gets tricky!  You have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  Search for
the word "modeline".  If it's there already, then you probably have it
easy: just take the output from "show" and put it in place of the
modeline in xorg.conf (commenting out the original).

Eg., xvidtune shows me:
"1680x1050"   119.25   1680 1728 1760 1840   1050 1052 1058 1080

Now, in xorg.conf, I have the modeline:

Section "Monitor"
        Modeline "1680x1050"   119.25   1680 1728 1760 1840   1050 1052 1058 

You must put it in the "monitor" section that you're actually using -
first look at

Section "ServerLayout"

and find the Screen name (eg Identifier "Screen0"). Then find the
monitor identifier: (Monitor     "Monitor0").  Now look for the monitor
Section with Identifier "Monitor0", and you've found where to put your

The names in "" could be different for you, for example, you might have
Identifier "Screen1"
Monitor "17inLCD"
or whatever.

HTH, if you need more info, just post back!
Iain Buchanan <iain at netspace dot net dot au>

I don't deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don't deserve that
                -- Jack Benny

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