On 2/13/2006 1:11 PM Nick Rout wrote:
If your system stopped suddenly the ntp.drfit file may have become corrupted. 
As I understand it this file has a value in it that tells the system how much 
drift there is in the system clock, and uses the figutre to compensate. If the 
figure is way  out then the compensation will be way out.

Take a look at /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift, if its seems like a large figure, then 
zero it and start again from scratch. ie stop ntpd, set the clock with ntpdate, 
then start the ntpd service again (preferably not while recording with mythtv 
I've tried both zeroing this file and removing it altogether. Zeroing doesn't work and if I delete it, it never gets recreated. I've even tried "touch"ing it but it remains empty. After touching it, I chmod it to ntp:ntp but still remains empty. I'm by no means an expert but I don't get it.

Thanks for your reply,


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