On Tuesday 14 February 2006 06:34, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 00:54 +0100, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> > On Tuesday 14 February 2006 00:35, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> > > Welcome to my post, and remember to leave your flamewars at the door :)
> > >
> > > I've just installed KDE for the first time in a couple of years.  It
> > > seems to have come a long way.
> > >
> > > However, I have some eye candy I want to bring from Gnome - transparent
> > > konsole is the first.
> >
> > turn on transparency in controll center (Arbeitsfläche is the menupoint
> > ins german, shouild be desktop in english, below it, there is 'window
> > properties' or so, where you can turn on transparency)
> I found "translucency" - is that it?  I couldn't turn it on because  it
> asks for Xorg ≥ 6.8 (which I have) and some Xconfig changes.  Is this
> really necessary?  I had a transparent terminal with kde once already,
> and I didn't do anything special...

Yes that's it, and yes you do have to change some settings in xorg.conf if you 
haven't done so already.

This wiki covers most of what you'd want/need

> > > Secondly, I start konsole with the following command (from another
> > > konsole):
> > >
> > > konsole --geometry -0-0
> >
> > it works with
> > konsole -geometry 0x0
> > and
> > konsole -geometry +0+0
> >
> > see the singe - ?
> yes, but you should be able to specify a + OR - for the x and y offset
> as well:
> -geometry WxH+Xoffs+Yoffs where
> W: width
> H: height
> Xoffs: x offset*
> Yoffs: y offset*
> * x is relative to the left screen edge, if positive, and relative to
> right screen edge if negative.
> * y is relative to the top screen edge, if positive, and relative to the
> bottom screen edge, if negative.

`konsole --help` doesn't mention the -geometry flag.
I've tried it on my system and the kwin window placement ignores it in favor 
of the "Placement" setting in the tab "Moving" next to the "Translucency" 

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