On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 04:44:19PM +0100, Penguin Lover Marco Calviani squawked:
> file i've observed that effectively the system shows the "welcome" string.
> However i'm not seeing the effective system name, kernel etc.... but only 
> this:
> This is \n.\O (\s \m \r) \t
> Password:
> it seems that the escape character is not correctly identified.

Not an answer, but an observation on my part of a similar behaviour:

On my box, the "first" load of the issue would display the right thing
(substituting the proper text for all the escape characters), but if, 
say, I type in an invalid username/password combo, login will wait a
few seconds (like it is told to do) and display the banner again. But
this time, the escaped characters will be displayed like what you
have there. But if I once again log-in correctly, and then log-out,
the banner displayed on that VC would be correct again. 

I can't figure out what's wrong either. 

Man, I broke my G string trying to finger a minor... 
  Now my guitar is useless.
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