On 3/1/06, Wes Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I added an extra IDE controller card so I could get a 5th drive.  It's a
> Silicon Image chipset (CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SIIMAGE).  When I boot into the kernel
> with the module included the kernel sees the IDE channels on the new card as
> the first ones and the existing IDE channels on my motherboard as the
> additional ones.  So to the new kernel it sees:

Are you using udev? If so, you can use rules to define what you need.
http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/udev-guide.xml and

They helped me a lot...

> /dev/hda (newly added drive)
> /dev/hdb (no drive)
> /dev/hdc (no drive)
> /dev/hdd (no drive)
> /dev/hde (my old /dev/hda)
> /dev/hdf (my old /dev/hdb)
> /dev/hdg (my old /dev/hdc)
> /dev/hdh (my old /dev/hdd)
> The kernel tries to boot off the first drive on the new controller card
> instead of my boot drive, which is odd because the kernel that is running is
> read off of my old /dev/hda which the new kernel sees as /dev/hde.  So the
> BIOS and Grub see them in the correct order.  Hope that makes sense.  Perhaps

For grub the (hd0,0) entry is always the device the BIOS is booting.
So, its not strange, its default behavior.

> I could fix the problem by moving all of my drives to the new IDE card, not
> sure and that's not my preferred solution.  My kernel is vanilla

You shouldn't, try booting from a LiveCD or so and writting your rules...

> Thanks for any help.
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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