I saw that there was a discussion about USE flags and I would seek your advice
on that matter. I recently installed once again Gentoo 2006.0 but before this
version a few months' ago I installed and for a short period of time used Gentoo
2005.0. At that time I had trouble with USE flags because I have never known
what is the best configuration of USE flags for my system so I would like if
someone could help me in a way that he proposes to me a list of flags that i
should have in my make.conf and that that I should exclude. My needs are that I
have a system which is desktop oriented with KDE and not GNOME but also I will
do a little of programming and I will have a experimental web, mail, ftp, MySQL
server because I will learn php. Graphics, games and so on aren't of interest to
me and only thing I want is to play DVDs, DivX movies, play MP3 and audio CDs
and burn DVDs and CDs.



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