On 3/9/06, Goran Maksimoviæ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I saw that there was a discussion about USE flags and I would seek your advice
> on that matter. I recently installed once again Gentoo 2006.0 but before this
> version a few months' ago I installed and for a short period of time used 
> Gentoo
> 2005.0. At that time I had trouble with USE flags because I have never known
> what is the best configuration of USE flags for my system so I would like if
> someone could help me in a way that he proposes to me a list of flags that i
> should have in my make.conf and that that I should exclude. My needs are that 
> I
> have a system which is desktop oriented with KDE and not GNOME but also I will
> do a little of programming and I will have a experimental web, mail, ftp, 
> server because I will learn php. Graphics, games and so on aren't of interest 
> to
> me and only thing I want is to play DVDs, DivX movies, play MP3 and audio CDs
> and burn DVDs and CDs.

Well, when I installed Gentoo 2006.0, I used the GRP and Dynamic Stage
3, so, couldn't set my USE flags.

I don't set USE at make.conf. After the GRP install, I sync'ed, then
issued a "emerge -uDNpv world" and started "emerge -pv"ing each
package in the list, checking USEs and writting them to package.use.
After that, each and every package installed follows the same path.
This way you don't loose control over your flags and avoid useless
stuff (like compiling a lot of programs with KDE support when you only
need kde-base because of K3B).

It's just the way I do it, any comments? (no flames please, I'll not
change my mind :)

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
GCM/IT/P/O d-? s:- a? C++$ UBLA++ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o+ K- w O M- V-
PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++

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