Paul Stear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Windows identifies the Network Storage Link as a windows NT 4.9 server
>> > I am mounting the network usb drive using cifs
>> > The network storage unit is a LINKSYS Network Storage Link for USB 2.0
>> > Disk Drives.
> I have 2 discs attached to the server and the server setup program formatted 
> them as ext3

Sorry to keep pounding away at this but how can we be sure they are
ext3 without an fdisk output or something similar.  Those error
messages about symlinks would indicate otherwise.  Unless the error is
comming from cifs which is possible sincy it does not support


>> > This is the error when copying the Mail directory
>> > mkstemp
>> > "/mnt/network/home/paul/Mail/Gimp/cur/.1133608028.9158.nxwHc:2,S.CDg1dQ"
>> > failed: Not a directory
>> This one is more insteresting
>> You might change your command line to include another -v and an STDERR
>>   outlet to file like this:
>>   rsync -Cavv --delete --progress --exclude '*tmp*' --exclude
>>      '*Trash*' /usr /mnt/network 2>er.log
> attached is the er.log
> Its strange, yesterday some mail files were copied but the file names had all 
> been truncated e.g. 1012B0~ instead of 1140956627.10049.kTtle:2,S
> My last run of rsync on my Mail directory deleted all of the contents but did 
> not copy any file.
> I am lost now

Sorry to say I am too.  As I feared the er.log was not all that helpfull
but again it appears to me the fs is not allowing `chown' to run.
More evidence the receiving fs does not support it.

I don't really understand the relationship between what you call a
server and the actual disks.  How is it different from just having the
disks on an USB port?  

Is it possible to connect these disks direct to your gentoo box?
If so you will be able to identify them beyond any doubt.
Further, you will be able to mount them under there native format type
instead of cifs if they are ext3 and attempt the rsync in that setup
to learn if cifs is the problem here.

Once connected to you gentoo box an `fdisk -l' as root will show what
filesystem is on them.

I suggest you take this question in as succinct a format as you can to
the rsync list.  I suspect some of the experts there will recognize
this right off the bat.  It can be accessed thru gmane.

Or if you use a newsreader it can be accessed at `'

The newgroup you're after is:

When you first post to it, you will get back a message from gmane
you'll need to reply to so your post will get put on the group.
(that happens only once)

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