On Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 04:58:57PM -0800, Ryan Tandy wrote
> Walter Dnes wrote:
> >  Why in (diety's) name does the the average user need apache2?  Or
> >emboss (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite)?  After the
> >"ipv6" fiasco, I began USE with "-*", like so...
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user/143049

  I know; I was in on that thread.  As another participant pointed out,
fetchmail has long delays when compiled with ipv6 support, on an
ipv4-only machine.  Probably it does an ipv6 lookup, waits for the
timeout, then falls back to ipv4.  Since I use fetchmail, that is more
than a hypothetical consideration for me.

  The whole point behind "-*" is to prevent future "surprises".
Yesterday it was emboss and ipv6.  Today it's apache2.  What's next; and
when?  One reason I'm using Gentoo is because I want the maximum control
over my machine that's possible without going to LFS.  Starting USE with
"-*" is part of my strategy for maintaining control.

Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> In linux /sbin/init is Job #1
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