On 2006-03-14 16:02, Goran Maksimovi� uttered these thoughts:
> I have already asked this but I will ask again. I am looking for who could 
> write
> me a list of USE flags to setup in make.conf, so anyone? I need desktop system
> with KDE and not GNOME, support for DVD and CD ripping and burning, playing 
> DVDs
> and DivX movies, MP3. I will do programming and testing of Apache server, mail
> server, MySQL.

Best tip I can give you is going through /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc
and pick the ones you think you need...

From the requirements you laid down above, a start would probably be:
USE="kde -gnome -gtk gtk2 mysql apache2 dvd dvdr xvid mp3"

Then add whatever programming-languages you use in there too. F.ex.
ruby, python, perl. Although you might want to add these per package
instead, as they might just add scripting capabilities for certain

For more information about masking, package-specific use-flags and so

$ man portage

Patrick Börjesson

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