On Sunday 19 March 2006 13:04, Sumeet Pal Singh wrote:
> HI
> This mail is not directly related to gentoo.
> I have gentoo,ubuntu 5.10 on my system and using FC3 since it was released.
> I tried to install FC4 on my system by sharing the swap and /home partition
> between FC4 and ubuntu. The installation went well. I did not install KDE
> in FC4.
> I was well aware of permission screw ups that this could lead to, hence I
> did not create any user (The UID and GID of root is preserved across Linux
> distros)
> I booted in as root and created a new user with UID and GID same as on
> ubuntu.
> Now I booted in GNOME and it was completely configured!!!! Moreover gaim
> started and signed me in to all my accounts!!! This was first time login...
> My question is that can sharing /home okay for a long run or will it lead
> to problems.
> Also can other file systems like /usr be shared along with this and if it
> can be  then under what restrictions??
> If any one has done this please let me know.

as long as you are using the same software versions on both systems (at least 
the major version number should be the same) it should be ok.

But why are you asking here and not at the ubuntu or fc mailing lists?
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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