On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 10:32 +0100, Rick van Hattem wrote:
> On Monday 20 March 2006 05:02, Matthias Langer wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 04:51 +0100, Matthias Langer wrote:
> > > Recently i've got a power failure while one of my gentoo boxes was up
> > > and running. Since then, the users command seems not to work correctly
> > > anymore, as it claims for users to be logged in that almost certainly
> > > aren't and don't have a single process running. Besides of this issue,
> > > everthing seems to work as expected. Can anybody here tell me where to
> > > look for the source of this problem ?
> >
> > Just for the case that this helps describing my problem:
> >
> > # users
> > mlangc mlangc
> >
> > [should be: rattan]
> >
> > # top
> > not a single process for mlangc
> >
> > # tail -n 400 /var/log/messages
> >
> > Mar 19 22:21:37 lgate886 login(pam_unix)[8674]: session opened for user
> > mlangc by (uid=0)
> > ...
> > ...
> > Mar 19 22:21:47 lgate886 (mlangc-8784): starting (version 2.12.1), pid
> > 8784 user 'mlangc'
> > ...
> > ...
> > Mar 20 00:02:45 lgate886 (mlangc-8784): Exiting
> > Mar 20 00:02:50 lgate886 login(pam_unix)[8674]: session closed for user
> > mlangc
> > Mar 20 04:29:35 lgate886 sshd[9620]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam
> > for rattan from port 41237 ssh2
> > Mar 20 04:29:35 lgate886 syslog-ng[5304]: STATS: dropped 0
> > Mar 20 04:29:35 lgate886 sshd(pam_unix)[9626]: session opened for user
> > rattan by (uid=0)
> > Mar 20 04:30:29 lgate886 su[9634]: Successful su for root by rattan
> > Mar 20 04:30:29 lgate886 su[9634]: + pts/0 rattan:root
> > Mar 20 04:30:29 lgate886 su(pam_unix)[9634]: session opened for user
> > root by (uid=1002)
> Perhaps you could try booting in single user mode (or a livecd or something 
> like that) and remove /var/log/utmp and /var/log/wtmp
> Those are the files that track who is logged on and who isn't, perhaps you 
> can 
> also delete/rename those while running but I'm not sure what results you'll 
> get and I'm not gonna try on one of my boxes :P

Thanks, i tried to remove /var/log/wtmp [/var/log/utmp doesn't exist on
my box], but that did not help (see my other reply). 

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