> On 3/27/06, kashani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> THUFIR HAWAT wrote:

>> Then I'd look at logs. xinetd can be finicky about starting services if
>> they aren't configured right. I'd restart xinetd
> I've been rebooting :(
> Is there a better way?

Ofcourse, there is. eselect rc restart xinetd or /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

>   1054  Mar 22 13:40:13 localhost leafnode[19860]: cannot open
> /etc/leafnode/config

Is that right? There's no config file?

>   1074  Mar 22 15:01:38 localhost leafnode[21414]:  Leafnode must have
> a fully-qualified and globally unique domain name, not just
> "localhost.localdomain". Edit your /etc/hosts file to add a unique,
> fully qualified domain name. "localhost.localdomain" or thereabouts
> will not work; it's qualified, but not unique. Please see the
> README-FQDN file for details.

Did you read that file?

PS: Please do NOT wrap lines of log files, it makes it very
hard to read those messages, IMO.

Alexander Skwar
BOFH Excuse #451:

astropneumatic oscillations in the water-cooling
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