On 4/10/06, Daevid Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm getting closer to narrowing this down.
> One of the problems is that "/sbin/NVmakedevices.sh" has been yanked from me
> in some nvidia ebuild update. Grr.
> Do this instead:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> # /etc/conf.d/local.start

This should not be needed.  The X server (actually, the nvidia module
loaded in the X server) should create these automatically if they do
not exist.  From an strace of X on my system after removing the
nvidiactl and nvidia0 device nodes:

2262  stat64("/dev/nvidiactl", 0xbffcea38) = -1 ENOENT (No such file
or directory)
2262  stat64("/dev/nvidiactl", 0xbffcea38) = -1 ENOENT (No such file
or directory)
2262  mknod("/dev/nvidiactl", S_IFCHR|0666, makedev(195, 255)) = 0
2262  chmod("/dev/nvidiactl", 0666)     = 0
2262  chown32("/dev/nvidiactl", 0, 0)   = 0
2262  open("/dev/nvidiactl", O_RDWR)    = 7
2262  stat64("/dev/nvidia0", 0xbffce9a8) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
2262  stat64("/dev/nvidia0", 0xbffce9a8) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
2262  mknod("/dev/nvidia0", S_IFCHR|0666, makedev(195, 0)) = 0
2262  chmod("/dev/nvidia0", 0666)       = 0
2262  chown32("/dev/nvidia0", 0, 0)     = 0
2262  open("/dev/nvidia0", O_RDWR)      = 8

> So what is causing X7 to crash is when I set:
> "eselect opengl set nvidia"

If you comment out the line:

Load "glx"

in xorg.conf, do you still get the crash?

How are you starting the X server?  Does it still crash if you run just "X :0"?


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