On Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 09:54:33PM +1000, Penguin Lover Alan E. Davis squawked:
> He felt betrayed.  I understand why, I think: what's secure about
> GNU/Linux if anyone can boot the system and reset his passwords?

That is the same regardless of operating system. 
Physical access == no security.

> How can anyone easily avoid the problem of anyone being able to access
> the guts of his machine using a live CD?  I already thought of one:
> use the BIOS to disallow booting from a CD or Floppy, and set a
> password on the BIOS.  Don't know whether all BIOSes will allow this,
> and anyway, isn't it possible on a lot of motherboards to short out
> the EPROM and thus reset the password of the BIOS?

You can also encrypt the contents of your hard drive. 


Q: What's an anagram of "Banach-Tarski" ?

A: "Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski"
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