Petr Kocmid <Petr.Kocmid <at>> writes:

> I wander, what's the point of having (noncompilable) dev-embedded/avr-libc in 
> portage when there is no avr-gcc nor avr-binutils?

No good reason for this....

> However, I found some overlay ebuilds for avr toolset at 
> going to try it.

Well, in my experience with Gentoo, what's available in portage, is a function
of what the 'devs' are interested in. Indeed every packages in portage
needs an evangelist to keep it current and correctly patched. It seems that
none of the devs are much interested in firmware, assembler, (8-16) bit 
micro-Controllers and many things related to embedded software development.
The answer is to find an embedded person that can 'get qualified' as a dev
thereby supporting the needs of the firmware community, in my opinion.

It's a *DAM SHAM*

Micro-Controllers, state machines and minimal executives are the heart of where
electronics meet computer science.

I often used Debian, as it seem to much more agressive in supporting the needs
of the embedded communities.... Other gravitate to LFS (linux from scratch)
or other distros that are more interested in supporting the needs of the
embedded communities.

There is a gentoo-embedded group, but it seems to be limited to
x86 and PPC architectures.

If I'm really desperate, I look at to find folks that
have posted bugs, revision update requests, and such and send them
email directly for ideas, and patched software builds.

'Portage Overlay' is often used when a person, with embedded tendencies,
attempts to create/hack an ebuild for the greater embedded community. We
are orphans with Gentoo.

(peace to all)


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