The guy I'm helping to install Gentoo says that he can get to his Linux
installation and log in, but that he has no network unless he boots with
the LiveCD.  I've tried every trick I know.  At this point he's booted
with the LiveCD and entered his chroot install environment.  Out of
desperation for some way to find what the problem is, I asked him to
take a look at ifconfig.  According to what he told me, eth1 has an IP
address, but there's no mention of eth0.  In the past he's told me that
the PC he's installing Gentoo on has a wired NIC and a wireless NIC.  I
assume this is why his network card is assigned eth1, and that the
wireless card is eth0 and the LiveCD doesn't support it. The handbook
says that if multiple network interfaces exist, one can create symlinks
to /etc/init.d/net.eth0 for each successive network interface.  My
question is if I tell him to rc-update add net.eth1 default and then to
symlink /etc/init.d/net.eth1 to /etc/init.d/net.eth0, when he reboots,
won't Gentoo just try to start /etc/init.d/net.eth0, which won't work at
this point?  What should I do?  I've told him what the handbook says,
but I'm not sure that it will work.  

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