On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 08:10:44PM -0400, Penguin Lover fire-eyes squawked:
> Well, i got totally confused, it seemed i couldn't for the life of me get 
> ~/.bashrc pulled in no matter what i did.
> I put the following into ~/.bash_profile and it worked out fine. I'm 
> wondering 
.bash_profile is loaded for login shells. 
.bashrc is loaded for for interactive shells that are not login shells. 

The reason .bashrc is usually loaded when you log-in as a user is that
the skeleton file gentoo defaults to when creating a new user
(/etc/skel/*) has the line 
  [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
which sources .bashrc

The default for root, however, does not contain that line (at least on
my box, the installation of which is at least 3 years old). I think
that is cause enough to file a bug against the wordings in the ebuild. 

"Fortunately, this is where we stop, for the equations of motion are 2nd order. 
If it were 5th order you'd all probably switch to biology."
~DeathMech, S. Sondhi. P-town PHY 205
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