On Tuesday 25 April 2006 12:52 pm, JimD wrote:
> Glenn Enright wrote:
> > On Tuesday 25 April 2006 12:24 pm, JimD wrote:
> >> I also recommend renaming /etc/profile.d/bash-completion to
> >> /etc/profile.d/bash-completion.sh so it gets picked up by /etc/profile.
> >
> > Doing that creates an error about /etc/bash_completion.sh not existing
> Really???  Weird.  Here is what I have at the end of /etc/profile
> for sh in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
>     if [ -r "$sh" ] ; then
>         . "$sh"
>     fi
> done
Actually I cant replicate it... damn :(

What I'm getting now is bash login hangs until I press ^C. the bash_completion 
file works as expected when run manually.
Fundamentally, there may be no basis for anything.

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