Good afternoon,

I solved my problem of a few days ago by adding


to /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf. This was related to my ISP now requiring SMTP
AUTH for mail. But I'm concerned about the security implications of
having this in a world-readable file. If this was only necessary to get
mutt mail off my system, I could just add

set sendmail="/usr/sbin/ssmtp -au [EMAIL PROTECTED] -ap PASSWORD"

to my .muttrc file. But cron also need this in order to mail me results
of nightly jobs using mailx. I realize this is just a single user
system, but this solution just doesn't seem right. Are there config
options that can be placed in individual $HOME rc files, ie.
$HOME/.ssmtp.conf. I can't seem to track down much documentation on
ssmtp.conf. I don't really want to go with something fullblown like


It is not unusual for those at the wrong end of the club to have a
clearer picture of reality than those who wield it.
                                                      Noam Chomsky

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