On 5/4/06, Matthew Cline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One solution to this issue is to use the faster server as a binary
host for the slower one. I was able to do something similar with a
slow laptop and a fast desktop machine. I'm not in front of my gentoo
machine right now, so I can't provide the exact details, but it goes
something like this:

On the fast machine (you can optionally do all of this inside a chroot):

1) set-up an ftp server and create a new user for the slower machine to use
2) in make.conf, set PKGDIR to a directory accessible to the ftp user
created above
3) for each package you want to install on the slow machine, run:
   # emerge -B <package name> (Also, in make.conf, you can add
"buildpkg" in FEATURES to always build binary packages whenever you
emerge something.)

On the slow machine:

1) in make.conf, add "getbinpkg" to FEATURES
2) in make.conf, set PORTAGE_BINHOST to
"ftp://login:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/to/binpkgs" where "fastmachine" is
the address of the fast machine used to build the packages.
3) then try to emerge the package on the slow machine

This setup worked for me, but, of course, YMMV


Thanks Matt, I'll try this option by tomorrow morning and post if it
works. I've never worked with the "binhost" option of portage, but now
I can see a lot of advantages on it (reading the manual) that can be
useful on future installations and/or upgrades.

Gotta love Gentoo.

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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