Hello, I use VLC for this without any touble. You shouldn't mount the audio-cds or dvd, and and as far as I know you shouldn't write cdda:// when playing, the application should figure out that itself.

Christopher E wrote:
Hello All,

IS there any one that can help me get my audio cds and dvds to work, i have tryed so much I don't know wht I have done and I would put all
here but I don't,  I am geting the:

Couldn't display "cdda:///dev/hda".

/etc/init.d/ivman start
* Re-caching dependency info (mtimes differ)...
* Could not get dependency info for "ivman"!
* Please run:

*   # /sbin/depscan.sh

* to try and fix this.
* Re-caching dependency info (mtimes differ)...
* Could not get dependency info for "ivman"!
* Please run:

*   # /sbin/depscan.sh

* to try and fix this.
* Re-caching dependency info (mtimes differ)...
* Could not get dependency info for "ivman"!
* Please run:

*   # /sbin/depscan.sh

* to try and fix this.
* Re-caching dependency info (mtimes differ)...
* Could not get dependency info for "ivman"!
* Please run:

*   # /sbin/depscan.sh

* to try and fix this.
* Starting Automounter ...                                               [ ok ]

I have emerged:
I added to rc-update and get the above error also

my cd is being detected after I do a mount of:
mount /dev/hda /dev/dvd

I am able to see the metadata of the cd under cd player but am unable to play it

PLEASE help I have been playing with this for hours!



//David Sveningsson [eXt]
Freelance Coder | Game Developer Student
http://sidvind.com ]  [ http://nitroxy.com ]

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