On 5/8/06, Denny Schierz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i have two very old gentoo boxes and i can't upgrade them. After a sync,
the default profile 2004.0 was deleted and know i can't do anything with

router x86 # emerge -n '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.51'
!!! 'str' object has no attribute 'insert'
!!! 'rm -Rf /usr/portage/profiles; emerge sync' may fix this. If it does
!!! not then please report this to bugs.gentoo.org and, if possible, a
!!! on #gentoo (irc.freenode.org)

Your command to update portage seem tricky and obscure to me. Why
specify versions? If you have synced, it KNOWS the latest version and
won't try to emerge the others... Why tell it to only emerge the
latest with "-n" if you can simply update it with "-u"? And specially,
why the heck put the whole ">=" stuff?

Try simply "emerge -u portage"... If it still doesn't work, try it
after "emerge-webrsync && emerge --sync && emerge --metadata && emerge
-u portage", but I think the --metadata is done in the emerge --sync
part anyway, so you can bypass that command ;)

Is it possible to use portage from a new system, via quickpkg?

I STRONGLY advice you to DON'T DO THAT. I can imagine a LOT of
problems comming from this. If you really think you broke portage's
profiles, simply do as it said: 'rm -Rf /usr/portage/profiles; emerge
--sync', that should fix it.

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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